September 19, 2024

The future of datacenter Cooling (immersion technology)

The new cooling technology will depend on Dielectric odorless, non-toxic liquid coolant which has electrical & chemical inert properties, this coolant doesn’t need to be changed, has a high flash point & stable even under fire event.

Since cooling can consume from 35 to 50 percent of datacenter power, saving in this area will be huge.

Benefits of immersion cooling:

1- Support high density racks.

2- Reduce OPEX due to the following:

  • High cooling energy efficiency.
  • Decrease cooling equipment & servers required power.
  • Reduce maintenance cost since CRAH units & servers fans won’t be needed anymore.

3- Reduce CAPEX due to the following:

  • CRAH units, servers fans & raised floor won’t be needed.
  • By reducing servers required power, smaller UPSs will be needed.
  • By reducing cooling equipment & UPSs required power, smaller transformers, generators & MDBs will be needed, hence a huge CAPEX saving in all electrical equipment will be achieved.

Below videos explaining the idea:
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