September 19, 2024

Datacenters cooling problem revealed

Thermal image below showing servers inlet air temperature distribution for open aisle arrangement, despite of supplying cold air from 19°C to 21°C , the servers installed on top of racks have supply air from 25°C to 32°C due to hot/cold air mixing & insufficient CFM, which is outside ASHRAE TC9.9 recommended range (from 18°C to 27°C), accordingly servers on top of racks will have hot spot issues which can be avoided by decreasing supply air temperature, accordingly OPEX, PUE & Carbon footprint will be dramatically increased.

Open aisle thermal image

By applying cold or hot aisle containment the servers inlet air temperature distribution will remain the same whether the servers installed on top or bottom of racks, which will allow to increase the servers supply inlet temperature and achieve huge OPEX saving.

Below cold aisle containment thermal image showing uniform temperature distribution for servers supply cold air at top & bottom of racks.

Cold aisle containment thermal image

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